
Dominique de Villepin on Trump, Sanctions, Tariffs, Ukraine, Gaza and More...

The former MInister of France did not mince words. "We say 'no' to Donald Trump's views on Gaza and Ukraine, 'no' to  his arrogant and destructive policies. The world doesn't need more shock than we have already."  Dominique De Villepin spoke to a roomful of AAPA members gathered in the Bloomberg auditorium on February 14, 22 years to the day of his impassioned speech at the UN General Assembly…

Immigration: Truth, Lies and Consequences

Immigration lawyer Charly Salkazanov spoke with a dozen of us via Zoom on January 21, 2025, about France's immigration and asylum processes-- a hot topic in today's global political landscape.   France does not have sufficient staff to handle the volume of applications by those seeking to enter the country legally or who want to appeal an order to leave French territory.  Lacking a mediation…

German Marshall Fund Re-cap of 2024

Dr Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, acting President of the German Marshall Fund, met with 12 members of the AAPA via Zoom from her headquarters in Brussels to share her observations on key events of 2024. The re-election of Donald Trump is a confirmation of a deep trend that has been shaping US domestic and foreign policy over the past 15-20 years, she said. Having recently visited 10 US states,…

US Embassy Background Briefing

Some two dozen members of the AAPA met in person on December 17 with Kimberley Krhounek, Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs at the US Embassy, Paris, for an off-the-record briefing. Focusing on the interregnum between President Joe Biden and President-elect Donald Trump, Ms Krhounek fielded questions regarding the war in Ukraine, tariffs and trade,  the fall of Syria, Vladimir Putin's…

“He (Trump) doesn’t really like us” — Europe fears the fallout of US elections

AAPA meeting with transatlantic expert Nicole Bacharan. Europeans are closely tracking Tuesday’s US elections, with many fearful of what a second Trump presidency will mean for the NATO alliance, trade, the war in Ukraine and the spreading Middle East conflict, analyst Nicole Bacharan told the AAPA recently — even as his rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, remains a largely unknown quantity for…


INSEAD Political Science Professor Emeritus Douglas Webber had already agreed to speak to the AAA via Zoom on June 10, the day following the EU's scheduled Parliamentary elections. But when French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the Assemblée Nationale and called for new elections starting July 1, the focus shifted. What did the far right's gain of seats in the EU and the RN's trouncing of…

Christopher Weissberg, representing French citizens in North America

  AAPA members had breakfast with Christopher Weissberg on May 13, 2024, to hear the Assemblée Nationale deputy's views on the outlook for EU and US elections, the increasing restrictions on immigration, and his efforts to serve his 250,000-strong constituency of French citizens residing in the US and Canada. Weissberg  holds meetings throughout North America with his constituents and says their…

Emmanuel Bonne talks to AAPA

Emmanuel Macron’s foreign policy advisor Emmanuel Bonne met with over two dozen active members of the Anglo-American Press Association on April 15. Speaking on background, M. Bonne outlined France’s foreign policy priorities at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions while giving us an insight into recent multilateral initiatives involving the Middle East, Ukraine, China, Russia and……

Breakfast with H.E. JAWED ASHRAF, Ambassador of India

H.E. Jawed Ashraf, Ambassador of India to the Republic of France and Principality of Monaco, invited members of the AAPA to breakfast at his residence in Paris on April 9 for an on-the-record wide ranging discussion just ten days before India's national elections (April 19 - June 1). India has 968 million registered voters, he pointed out, and the country has installed 1.2 million polling…

US elections key to Ukraine’s future: security analyst François Heisbourg

The outcome of the war in Ukraine will likely turn not only on issues as Europe’s ability to ramp up its defense spending to produce artillery shells for Kyiv, but particularly on what happens in the November US elections, defense and security analyst Francois Heisbourg told AAPA members on March 12 via Zoom. The return of former President Donald Trump to power would be “catastrophic” for…