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German Marshall Fund Re-cap of 2024

Dr Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, acting President of the German Marshall Fund, met with 12 members of the AAPA via Zoom from her headquarters in Brussels to share her observations on key events of 2024. The re-election of Donald Trump is a confirmation of a deep trend that has been shaping US domestic and foreign policy over the past 15-20 years, she said. Having recently visited 10 US states,…

Dissident Russian journalist Andrei Loshak: "Broken Ties"

The Dissident Club in Paris was a fitting setting for our screening of  "Broken Ties," a look at the impact Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine had on Russian families, produced by dissident Russian journalist Andrei Loshak. Andrei told us of his experiences since the invasion during our evening discussion on November 11. Well-known and respected as a journalist/filmmaker in Russia and…

Thierry Marx and the free cooking schools

Thierry Marx, the chef étoilé with a rags-to-riches story who in 2012 founded a network of free cooking schools -- 10 so far -- to boost the disadvantaged into employment and a sense of purpose,…

Ex-AAPA VP Michael Balter tells us about the $10-million defamation suit he is facing for his #MeToo reporting

The AAPA met with ex-VP Michael Balter on March 18 to hear about the $10-million defamation lawsuit he is fighting and the issues surrounding it. Michael was served with the suit last June by archeologist Danielle Kurin, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Victims, or survivors as they prefer to be called, allege she was complicit in her former husband’s sexual harassment…

French anti-Semitism 'first sign of a national crisis', Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur tells AAPA

Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur of the Mouvement Libéral Juif de France told AAPA members of her own path to the rabbinate (she was ordained in New York because no French institution will ordain women rabbis), and discussed her…