2024 Shellie Karabell, Freelance, Catherine Nolan

2023 Shellie Karabell, Freelance, Catherine Nolan

2022 Shellie Karabell, Freelance, Catherine Nolan

2021 Rory Mulholland, The Telegraph, Catherine Nolan

2020 Rory Mulholland, The Telegraph, Catherine Nolan

2019   Rory Mulholland, The Telegraph, Catherine Nolan

2018   Rory Mulholland, The Telegraph, Catherine Nolan

2017   David Pearson, Freelance, Nelson Graves

2016   David Pearson, Freelance, Nelson Graves

2015   David Pearson, Freelance, Sara Miller Llana

2014   John Keating, Kuwait News Agency, David Pearson

2013   John Keating, Kuwait News Agency, Axel Krause

2012   John Keating, Kuwait News Agency, Axel Krause

2011   John Keating, Kuwait News Agency, Axel Krause

2010   Virginia Power, Newsweek, Axel Krause

2009   Virginia Power, Newsweek, Axel Krause

2008   Georgina Oliver, Citizen K International, Axel Krause

2007   Joseph Schmid, AFX News, Axel Krause

2006   James Graff, Time, Axel Krause

2005   Georgina Oliver, Paris Voice, Axel Krause

2004   David Pearson, Dow Jones Newswires, Axel Krause

2003   Charles Bremner, The Times, Axel Krause

2002   Adrian Dearnell, Bloomberg News, Axel Krause

2001   Peter Ford, The Christian Science Monitor, Axel Krause

2000   David Pearson, Dow Jones Newswires, Axel Krause

1999   Anne Swardson, The Washington Post, Axel Krause

1998   Craig Whitney, The New York Times, Axel Krause

1997   Mary Follain, Axel Krause

1996   Barry James, The International Herald Tribune, Axel Krause

1995   Tom Sancton, Time, Axel Krause

1994   Julian Nundy, The Independent, Axel Krause

1993   Laurie Kassman, The Voice of America, Axel Krause

1992   Suzanne Lowry, The Daily Telegraph, Pierre Legros

1991   Ronald Koven, The Boston Globe, Pierre Legros

1990   Richard Wallis, Reuters, Pierre Legros

1989   John Flint, Reader’s Digest, Pierre Legros

1988   Diana Geddes, The Spectator, Pierre Legros

1987   Jordan Bonfante, Time, Pierre Legros

1986   Philip Short, BBC, Pierre Legros

1985   Harry Dunphy, The Associated Press, Pierre Legros

1984   Robert Evans, Reuters, Pierre Legros

1983   Axel Krause, The International Herald Tribune, Pierre Legros

1982   John Templeman, Business week, Pierre Legros

1981   Scott Sullivan, Newsweek, Pierre Legros

1980   Lionel Walsh, Reuters, Francis Schell

1979   Bernard Valéry, The New York Daily News, Paul Lewis

1978   Robert Mauthner, The Financial Times, David Curry

1977   Arthur Higbee, United Press International, Anne Sington

1976   Michael Field, Bernard Redmont

1975   Milton Freudenheim, The Chicago Daily News, Bernard Redmont

1974   Peter Stephens, The Daily Mirror, Bernard Redmont

1973   Morris W. Rosenberg, The Associated Press, Morrill Cody

1972   Anthony Mann, The Daily Telegraph, Morrill Cody

1971   Frederick Painton, U.S. News and World Report, Morrill Cody

1970   Peter Stephens, The Daily Mirror, Morrill Cody

1969   Bernard Valéry, The New York Daily News, Morrill Cody

1968   Charles Hargrove, The Times, Eric Hawkins

1967   Waverley Root, The Washington Post, Eric Hawkins

1966   Robin Smyth, The Daily Mail, Eric Hawkins

1965   Joseph W. Grigg, United Press International, Eric Hawkins

1964   Robert Cooper, The Times, Eric Hawkins

1963   Crosby S. Noyes, The Washington Star, Eric Hawkins

1962   Sam White, The Evening Standard, Eric Hawkins

1961   Bernard Redmont, Westinghouse Broadcasting, Eric Hawkins

1960   Darsie Gillie, The Guardian, Eric Hawkins

1959   David Schoenbrun, CBS, Eric Hawkins

1958   Geoffrey Myers, The Daily Telegraph, Eric Hawkins

1957   Harold Callender, The New York Times, Eric Hawkins

1956   Geoffrey Hoare, The News Chronicle, Eric Hawkins

1955   Paul Archinard, NBC, Eric Hawkins

1954   Virginia Vernon, The Daily Mirror, Eric Hawkins

1953   J. Kingsbury Smith, International News Services, Eric Hawkins

1952   John Wallis, The Daily Telegraph, Eric Hawkins

1951   Preston Grover, The Associated Press, Eric Hawkins

1950   Ronald Matthews, The Daily Herald, Eric Hawkins

1949   Geoffrey Parsons Jr., The New York Herald Tribune, Eric Hawkins

1948   George Slocombe, The Toronto Star, Eric Hawkins

1947   Henry Cassidy, NBC, Eric Hawkins

1946   Harold King, Reuters, William Bird

1945   Paul Scott Mowrer, The New York Post, William Bird

1940   John Lloyd, The Associated Press, William Bird

1939   Eric Hawkins, The New York Herald Tribune, G. Langelaan

1938   B.J. Perkins, Fairchild Publications, Dermot MacDermot / Mallory Browne

1937   P.J. Philip David Scott, The New York Times

1936   Edmond Taylor, The Chicago Tribune, Percy J. Philip

1935   Dermot MacDermot, The Western Mail, Percy J. Philip

1934   Leland Stowe, The New York Herald Tribune, Dermot MacDermot

1933   David Scott, The Times, Dermot MacDermot

1932   Ralph Heinzen, United Press, Dermot MacDermot

1931   John Pollock, The Morning Post, Lansing Warren

1930   Henry Wales, The Chicago Tribune, Smith Reavis

1929   William T. Ingram, The Canadian Express, Elmer Roberts

1928   William Bird, The New York Sun, Elmer Roberts

1927   George Slocombe, The Daily Herald, H. Noble Hall

1926   Wilbur S. Forrest, The New York Herald Tribune, H. Noble Hall

1925   H.W. Smith, The Daily News, Guy Hickok

1924   Paul Scott Mowrer, The Chicago Daily News, Sisley Huddleston

1923   Sisley Huddleston, The Times, Eliot F. Sheppard

1922   Wythe Williams, The Philadelphia Public Ledger, Eliot F. Sheppard

1921   John Bell Eliot, The Daily Telegraph, F. Sheppard

1920   Stoddard Dewey, The New York Evening Post, Eliot F. Sheppard

1919   Gordon D. Knox, The Morning Post, Eliot F. Sheppard

1918   Elmer Roberts, The Associated Press, F.B. Grundy

1917   George Adam, The Times, F.B. Pitney

1916   Philip Simms, United Press, André Glarner

1915   Sommerville Story, The Paris Daily Mail, André Glarner

1914   F.B. Grundy, The New York Sun, Paul Scott Mowrer

1913   Joseph Watson, Reuters, R. F.Tate

1912   Joseph L. Sharkey, The Associated Press, R. F Tate

1911   Martin Donohoe, The Daily Chronicle, Joseph Watson

1910   Martin Donohoe, The Daily Chronicle, Joseph Watson

1909   Howard Thompson, The Associated Press, Joseph Watson

1908   James W. Ozanne, The Daily Telegraph, R. Franklin Tate

1907   James W. Ozanne, The Daily Telegraph, G.A. Raper