Macron’s Big Challenges Are Still to Come: Pollsters
In the midst of an extraordinary French political season, pollsters Edouard Lecerf of Kantar Public, Bruno Jeanbart of OpinionWay, and Jérôme Fourquet of Ifop spoke to members of the Anglo-American…
Political Scientist Sees Bumpy Road Ahead for Macron
Dominique Reynié, CEO of the think tank Foundation for Political Innovation (Fondapol--liberal, progressive and European) and professor at Sciences Po, spent nearly two hours on June 2 sharing his…
AAPA Members Visit World’s Biggest Auction Space
The AAPA’s evening field trip on May 18 to Drouot, Paris' historic and esteemed auction house, was an eye-opener to most of the group who had never experienced a high-powered auction in full swing.
French presidential elections unprecedented, researcher says
The run-up to France’s 2017 presidential elections is unlike any in the past, with an electorate confused by waning confidence in politicians, worried about security and distressed by chronic unemployment, a respected political researcher told the AAPA on March 28. It’s the first presidential election to be held under a state of emergency, Sciences Po professor Pascal Perrineau told a…
French Elections Could Spring Some Surprises, Pollsters Say
France’s presidential election could spring some surprises even if the lineup for the second round currently seems fairly clear-cut today, a panel of polling experts told the AAPA on April 7.
Once they got into the voting…
The EU Couldn’t Survive Le Pen Presidency - INSEAD professor
“It would be almost impossible for the EU to survive if Marine Le Pen should win the up-coming French Presidential elections and withdraw France from it,” INSEAD Political Science Professor…
Pompidou Center’s Attraction Still Rising After 40 Years
Terror attacks scared off visitors to the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay last year, but the numbers kept on rising for the Pompidou Centre, its president Serge Lasvignes told AAPA members over lunch on Jan. 11 as the centre marks its 40th anniversary. The nine percent rise at the Pompidou - 3.33 million people turned up in 2016 - was because the bulk of its visitors are French and they see the…
Marine Le Pen Asserts Controversial Positions on EU, Russia
The AAPA kicked off 2017 with a news-making event on Jan. 6 when nearly 60 members met with one of France's top political personalities - National Front party leader and presidential…
Here's to a Memorable 2017
Dear Member, As we turn the page on what has been a very eventful year, I want to take a minute of your time to wish you all a positive year on the personal and professional levels. The past 12 months have kept you busy chasing news, and much of it was bad. The coming year will be interesting politically on both sides of the Atlantic, and your workload won't diminish. Au contraire... One of the…
Report on the AAPA’s Annual General Meeting Dec. 16
Twenty-five members attended our AGM on Friday, Dec. 16, at the Brasserie de l'Assemblée in the 7th, which started at 7 pm, lasted one hour and was followed by some socializing…